The Sunny Side of the Street

QQQ_D_20030304.jpg (146471 bytes)
Figure 1-
Daily QQQ [click to enlarge]
TUESDAY NIGHT - March 4, 2003

In yesterday's commentary I projected that the QQQ's more likely line up for today would be at the 24.45 level.  The intraday look at today shows just that, with the Candlesticks at the end of today lining right up with their lowerQQQ_15_20030304a.jpg (153535 bytes)
Figure 2- 15-minute QQQ Candlebodies [click to enlarge]

bodies on the 24.45 mark.  Intraday there were lots of opportunities for little profits, but no opportunities for any sizeable runs.  How do I know that in advance?  I don't.  And, neither does anyone else.  But, we can look at Attractors from the past, and see how Support and Resistance line up and reason that the markets do not go forever in one direction without correction.  Yesterday left the QQQs with a sharp run downward, lining up on previous congestive failures, so I just "put 2 and 2 together" to reason that we might be looking at congestion again at the same level.

Looking at the daily (more long-range) chart of the QQQs for today, the day was lower than yesterday, but still a small, congestive day.  At the end it formed (Figure 1) a 4-bar congestion pennant (by my way of drawing them).  That says to me that tomorrow is more likely to do some serious movement, while today was more likely to bounce around.

So, while my intraday Alerts were fast and furious today, tomorrow they are more likely to be a single trade in the short direction.  Too soon to tell, of course, but that's what it looks like from here.

QQQ_15_20030304.jpg (166034 bytes)
Figure 3- 15-minute QQQ [click to enlarge]

On the very fast, 5-minute charts is where I was doing my trading today

QQQ_05_20030304.jpg (158498 bytes)
Figure 4- 5-minute QQQ [click to enlarge]

--believing that the day would be choppy and only good for a few cents at a time.  If you line up my Alerts with the chart in Figure 4 you can see that for the most part I was shorting at the top line and going long on the bottom line.  I got out of sequence at one point, but recovered on the day.

Watch carefully, stay on your toes, and give thanks for all the lessons you learn.