Sunday night December 12, 2021
I didn't end up going out of town this weekend, so here it is. I will also be available for Tuesday morning's LIVE Trading Room. The link will be in the email. -Sunny
Link to Sam Tennis' Products below.
STRATEGY TRADING FORUM. Save the dates January 4, 11, 18, 25 and Feb 1 2022! Starts Promptly at 10am PST each Tuesday.
All New "Strategy Trading in 4 Parts" by Sunny Harris. Actually 5, since I'm going to do all the introductory stuff on Tuesday January 4 and each Tuesday for 5 weeks. IT'S FULL NOW. No more registrations will be accepted. Thanks!
QUICKLINKS: VantagePoint | Last Week I said | Dow | ES | SunnyBands Implications | Trading Room | Automated Strategy | Multiple Timeframes | Stocks | BitCoin & Etherium | Gold | Bonds | Diatribe | DEFINITIONS| Quips & Quotes
VantagePoint ai Prediction for Tomorrow
VantagePoint clearly projects the anticipated direction and magnitude of tomorrow’s market. One can use any symbol; I trade the EMini S&P short-term and select stocks for my long-term portfolio. VantagePoint clearly projects the anticipated direction and magnitude of tomorrow's market with incredible accuracy. One can use any symbol; I trade the EMini S&P short-term and select stocks for my long-term portfolio. Whether you trade stocks, options, futures, forex, ETFs or crypto, you too can benefit from VantagePoint's predictive artificial intelligence. I highly recommend attending one of their FREE live trainings. No obligation. To save your seat for the next FREE live session, please CLICK HERE.
Tonight's VantagePoint Prediction is of the EMini (ES). The markets and especially the ES and the Dow have been inching steadily upward. The VP prediction for tomorrow is "up some more." From their prediction it looks like it might make new highs. The Dow and NASDAQ not so much. While the Dow has been moving up it is still about 500 points from reaching its all time high. The VP moving averages all all pointing upward, echoing their prediction.
Check the home page of this website daily to keep up with the daily predictions from VantagePoint.
While this prediction is good for tomorrow, wouldn't you want to know every day of the week? Of course, the best thing is to run VantagePoint every afternoon, not just on Sunday nights, as I do for this newsletter. And you can always look at the home page of MoneyMentor to see the current VP chart.
Last Week I Said
Last Sunday I said that the market it could easily go either way. And it did go either way, straight up from the lower Attractor.
Today IBD highlighted several stocks on the move: ASO, AVGO, CWK, FWRD and TTGT. I subscribe; maybe you would like to. (I'm not connected with them in any way.) I just like to see what the crowds are saying.
SunnyBands Implications
The Dow, which consists of 30 industrial stocks, not the high tech ones that I like to trade, is strongly up since 12/1/21, by about 1,960 points. Wally Olopade said on my appearance at last Monday that "the bottom is in." He made a strong case for it and it has proven correct. Right now the Dow is touching the UIB at 36,038. That might provide a little resistance to the upside action, but who knows in December. Remember the Santa Claus Rally. The UOB lies at 36,496 which, if it bests it by even a little, will mean new all-time new highs.
The purple line of the DMA is still on top, but won't be if the market moves up on Monday. Then gold will be on top, signalling more upward action. Remember I'm still looking for 50,000 on the Dow but I have no idea when.
The RSI is at 49.26, above the 40 threshold. That too signals strength
One thing we all should remember is to return to Basics. Traditional Technical Analysis is still the basis of all trading. Know your stuff. Read 733 trading books, like I have. It enhances your trading. I comment on a weekly basis, but I trade on a 5-minute basis. It's much more accurate.
Take your trading to the next level: Join my LIVE Trading Room for FREE as a Charter Member. CHANGE IN TIME: it airs every Tuesday at 7am PST / 10am ET. For as long as people are interested. To become a Charter Member just fill out the Trading Room form and tell me you want to receive entry to the Trading Room. I have only 6 more spots left at the FREE price. And you will be FREE for as long as your membership is continuous. Such a deal for the early birds! NOTE: I won't know to send you a Zoom invitation if you don't sign up.
I am still predicting Dow 50,000 but not just yet. We still have some downs and ups to explore before we get there.
S&P 500 (ES)
The ES is up for the week, BUT it has gone sideways for the last 3 days, in little tiny moves. Lots of indecision. A week and a half ago it bounced beautifully off the Attractor I had drawn at 4,727 and headed up toward the Attractor at the most recent high. I'm guessing it will test the highs this next week. Since we are in Santa Claus Rally month it probably will. Larry Williams' work says that rallies are likely, historically, beginning the middle of December.
Please join my LIVE Trading Room. It's fun! It's exciting! It's free (so far). It may be the only opportunity you may have to query me live for FREE. Join in and speak up. You only get out of it what you put in. I'll be trading live and answering questions and trading my real money LIVE every Tuesday morning at 7am PST. /10amET. It's FREE for the time being. If you join as a Charter Member you'll be free for as long as you keep your membership continuously. Join by filling out my sign-up form here.
Since this is a weekly missive, we miss the daily changes to the indicators. Send me an email if you are interested in daily updates. I can have them sent to you directly from my trading platformto your email or your phone. Or better yet, order SunnyBands and DMA_H for your own computer. Of course, like all my products, they work on intraday charts just a well. All symbols, all timeframes.
To get a long-term perspective, let's look at the various positions called for by the consensus of timeframes. Note that the timeframes are colorful! The different time frames are about as mixed as you can get with some bullish and some bearish. Some moving up some moving down. The two longest timeframes are Bullish but turning down with the Daily still Bearish, but turning up. On my RedLite-GreenLite indicator for the ES, the 2DMA, 5DMA and 10DMA are all green: Bullish.
TimeFrame | Position |
Monthly | bullish /\ |
Weekly | bullish /\ |
Daily | bearish \/ |
15-Minute | bullish // |
1-Minute | bullish // |
It really helps to have these indicators for your own, to take your trading to the next level.
Call me (1-760-908-3070) and I'll send you a 7-day FREE trial of these indicators for you to see for yourself. Don't want to call? Just fill out your questions and desires on my Comments form and I'll get right back to you.
In this section, I like to take a peek at a few of my favorite stocks. I trade what I know. I use Amazon in real life, so I trade AMZN. I use Verizon as my phone carrier, so I trade VZ. I use Google all the time. I use Microsoft software so I trade MSFT and so on. Let's first look at the RadarScreen view of a few stocks:
The table above is my main research tool. It not only has my DMA_H predictions but also shows my PHW indicator (yellow) and at the far right 3 short-term averages calculated with my DMA smoothing function. I call this one RedLite-GreenLite.
When I sort on PHW from highest to lowest tells me which stocks are the most tradable. A stock that just moves slowly from A to B is an investment, not a tradable (to me). I'm looking for wide swings from which to profit, not just buy-and-hold. This is how I decide what stocks to buy and which to trade.
This week I have sorted on the DMA_H so that the Bullish stocks are on top. That gives me an idea of what I want to trade this week. GOOGL is right up there. See below. And since I drink a lot of Starbucks coffee, I might just invest in that one again, too. Last week I said "with all this bearishness, I'm looking for places to buy!" I still am buying.
To me trading is not about being right! There are lots of advisors and stock pickers out there who boast about getting MSFT at $32 and holding it for gazillions in profit. My trading style is to specialize in a few things and be good at them. The stock pickers never tell you how many they picked right, only the few that were the big winners. I specialize in a handful of stocks for the long swings and the EMini futures for intraday trading.
It is the columns just past the middle of the RadarScreen window show a colorful area that tells me at a glance the configuration of my DMA_H on all the stocks in this portfolio. (This indicator is called DMA_R_H, meaning DynamicMovingAverage RadarScreen Histogram.) Green Bearish \/ means the stock has been bearish but is now turning up. Purple \\ means primarily bearish. (These are the colors in the DMA_H and SunnyBands DMA. So, "purple" means Purple is on top in the DMA.) Gold Bullish // means the stock is moving upward. Red Bullish /\ means the stock has been going up but has now turned downward.
Of course, you can sort on any or several of these columns with this indicator. Color coding things makes it easy for me to spot opportunities at a glance. If you would like this indicator for your RadarScreen click here.
From this look (above) at the RadarScreen (like a spreadsheet) I can sort by SDMA, which shows me all the bullish stocks on top with Dir showing me which are moving aggressively upward and which have been moving up but have now turned down or the PHW which shows me the most tradable stocks. Call me, I'll explain it. 1-760-908-3070 PST.
Click Here to see and listen to the DMA_H Live with BingTicks!
AMZN, is still the stock with the highest PHW, with Bookings second. with both stocks sitting right on the MidLIne of the DMA with the MidAngle being next to nothing. I'll watch Monday's progression to decide whether to buy either.
If we get another upswing with Covid omicron cases could just take off, as people put themselves on lockdown (if the government doesn't) and continue to shop from home.
Cathy Wood's 5-year projection for TSLA (below) is 4,000 at this juncture. She may raise or lower her projection, but this is it currently.
TSLA's SunnyBands MidLine was pretty flat last week, but has ticked downwards with the Purple line of the DMA on top now. The LOB sits at 977. There is a strong Attractor at 968 that it is likely to hit with price just now at 1,017. But, again, 1,000 is a Natural Number and could hold further downside action. HOWEVER, if it breaks 1,000 the next Attractor is down at 889. Then I would be a buyer again.
Three weeks ago I said I thought ARKK price would tick on down to the LOB and possibly beyond. It did just that, as TSLA (her biggest holding) moved on down. Now ARKK is below the downsloping Purple DMA and below important Attractors. The DMA_H signalled bearish on 11/8/21 and ARKK has been moving down ever since. It now lies below 100 at 96.17. I think it will drop to 85 and then I'm looking for an entry.
I sold my ARKK some time ago and am now looking for a place to get back in.
I wish her only the best. She's a very smart woman. But, I think she needs SunnyBands, don't you?
Buy the DMA_H and SunnyBands for yourself. They are life savers. I totally rely on them for my own trading. You can have these indicators for yourself. They are a great trading tool!
Send me a note telling me what stock you would like to see analyzed next week. If you are reading this I would like some suggestions! Click here to leave me a Comment.
BitCoin, Etherium, Gold, Bonds
BitCoin is currently up 1,300 points from Friday's close. It is stuck between the LOB and the LIB. The Purple DMA line is on top but BTC is fast approaching the Natural Number 50,000. That could provide some resistance as it works its way up.
I haven't held any BitCoin. Instead, I have had ETHUSD (Etherium) since its low in May. It is not currently following BTC on its way down, but rather is holding steady at 4,000. Again we confront a Natural Number that could either make it or break it. There is a strong Attractor at 3,495 that should hold any decline if it goes that low. I'm holding on for now.
Gold is as flat as can be on the 5-min chart with the Purple DMA line on top. On the Weekly chart: same story. Flat at 1,785. It is stuck beneath the flat DMA lines and back under the Trendline I have on the chart. One would think that with our currently high inflation it might be in for a run-up, but that may not be true this time.
Bonds are also flat. Last week I said: it wouldn't suprise me to see the Attractor keep price from rising higher and they haven't. Gold is still on top but the MidLine is very flat, keeping price from moving up so far. As long as the Fed keeps pumping money into the market, bonds are likely to remain sideways. No way I would be a buyer right now. On Friday bonds rose from 161 to a high of 162 on the intraday charts. Not much. But they then dropped back down in the afternoon, but not quite as low as the open. Purple is on top holding down price action.
IMPORTANT: Nothing in this newsletter is an offer to buy or sell securities of any type, nor is it advice to make any financial decisions. You are in charge of your assets and only you know your risk tolerance and how much you can afford to lose. Never invest/trade with money you cannot afford to lose. This information is intended as educational only. DISCLOSURE.
If You Got this Free Newsletter from someone else and would like to Opt-In, and join us, click here.
All subscribers to my Sunny Side of the Street newsletter, and Members of MoneyMentor, are eligible for a 10% discount on my products. Call if you are interested.
Consulting/Mentoring - There is nothing that makes me happier than my students turning into great, profitable traders. I love to help new traders, and intermediate traders who are in a slump.
"Thanks very much; I do like hearing from you [, Sunny]. Thanks to SunnyBands I now have a net worth above $1.25 Million." -Don T.
[Editor's note: Don started 3 years ago with a $25,000 account. And, he told me yesterday that his account is now well over $2 Million.]
"I want to thank you for your books. I have read them all and it has been what has inspired me to have confidence in what I have been trading. This month alone I'm currently up $80k." -Tim A.
"I'm getting a big kick out of the [Sunny]bands this morning. Typically I'm using ParSR and Floor Trader Pivots. It's great when it all comes together. And as you said, your's [sic] [SunnyBands] picks the tops perfectly." -Frank Z.Read more Quips & Quotes here.
SunnyBands - SunnyBands are a extension of my DMA. The two lines above and two lines below the purple and gold DMA alert me to where the market is going. They are constructed from ATR bands on either side of the DMA, which is my proprietary moving average that avoids most of the whipsaw action experienced by other moving averages.
DMA_H - Sunny"s DynamicMovingAverage in histogram format, using sophisticated math to smooth out the whipsaws.
Of course, my indicators work on any symbol, any time frame. In my own trading I use 1-min & 5-min charts of the ES.
If you aren't already a MoneyMentor Member, please consider joining here. Tell me what you trade and what you'd like to see me add to this newsletter.
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Sunny has been teaching others to trade almost as long as she has been trading. Helping struggling novices over the hurdles is a passion of hers. Sunny has won awards for her teaching and consulting, being #1 in several categories. Sunny can teach you how to use TradeStation & MultiCharts and EasyLanguage and PowerLanguage, TC2000, VantagePoint, NinjaTrader, Genesis Navigator, and MetaStock so you don’t spend months struggling on your own. If you have a concept you want programmed, she can do it for you or teach you how to do it yourself. Click Here.
We provide a wide range of software programmed by Sunny for her own trading. We are not a churn and burn shop that puts out lots of indicators for sale, just to have products to sell.
Each of these unique products is available to help others in their quest for profits. And, they are used by Sunny in her own daily trading. The software includes indicators that make trading smooth and easy, and strategies that can even be automated to provide hands-off trading. Click here for a full list, descriptions, charts and prices.
Your use of this website acknowledges your understanding and agreement to this Disclaimer.
DISCLAIMER: Trading involves a significant and substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for everyone. You should only trade with money you can afford to lose. There is no guarantee that you will profit from your trading activity and it is possible that you may lose all of, or if trading on margin more than, your investment. Nothing in this website is an offer to buy or sell securities, futures, or instruments of any type. Some of the results shown may be based on simulated performance. SIMULATED OR HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN INHERENT LIMITATIONS. UNLIKE THE RESULTS SHOWN IN AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SUCH RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING. ALSO, BECAUSE THE TRADES HAVE NOT ACTUALLY BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MY HAVE UNDER OR OVER-COMPENSATED FR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY. SIMULATED OR HYPOTHETICAL PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT. NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFITS OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. This brief statement cannot disclose all the risks and other significant aspects of trading. You should carefully study trading and consider whether such activity is suitable for you in light of your circumstances and financial resources before you trade.